Saturday, December 24, 2011

Coke and Cookies

It's Christmas Eve and at the time Santa Claus is getting ready for that nightly ride through the world giving little boys and girls their presents.  According to this ad he'll be bringing Coke along to stave of the inevitable tiredness that comes from traveling all over the world in one night.  Few people realize that the jolly Santa wearing a red outfit was given to us by the Coca Cola company in their ad campaigns in the 1930's.  He wasn't the only one created out of an ad campaign.

Indeed, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was created in a book published by Montgomery Ward in 1939.  So what we have is advertising influencing popular culture and creating it's own myths and legends.  An amazing thing to think about as I doubt the average person stops to consider this fact as they bustle about doing the last minute holiday shopping.  Indeed the mind has enough to do filtering out all the noise at this time of the year that shouts like Kramer "Buy, buy buy!!" 

Lets take a moment now and reflect on what the meaning of the Christmas season really is about, not consumerism but the birth of Christ.  Merry Christmas everyone!


  1. Very interesting stuff! First Santa, and now those adorable white polar bears... Gotta love coke;)
    Just a little hello from Blogaholic Network!!  Stop by my little blog anytime.


  2. It's amazing how much advertisers give us stuff that becomes legend in it's own right. Thanks for stopping by.


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